
The winner mix

"In a crisis be aware of the danger - but recognize the opportunities". (J.F. Kennedy).

In an extraordinary month for markets, global equity prices suffered wild swings as growing worries about a US recession, everything changed deeply but the oil prices and its equities. Oil producers and equipment resisted in a very comfortable position against generalized losses.

Why they did not follow the same pattern of others titles? My intuition is that the sovereign funds are supporting this area, because is closer to their sources and permitting them an easy understanding. It is normal that expecting a recession period they sell all sectors in which they don't feel anything and protect where they are currently living. Selling before the summer house than the family home.

Considering that this moment could be one of the lower value for stocks, start buying in that areas should be a good advise. At least a 50% of the purchase budget giving a chance to rebound again (only to thank the chart analysts its graphic of 'dead cat...'). We already composed our new basket and we will see what happen. Good luck!

GOLDEN PEAKS winner mix (Equities + Funds): 20% Oil Equipment and Drilling+15% Oil Producers+15% Renewable Energies+10%Oil Transport+10% Nuclear+10% Matthews China Fund+10% Fidelity Select-Energy+10% Jennison Natural Resources.

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